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Our mission is to help believers fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus Christ gave to all disciples which is to witness the gospel of Christ to all nations and all peoples.  Our ministry is dedicated to adding believer donations to our own to purchase, ship and distribute Christian tracts free of charge to Christian churches, Christian organizations, missionaries and individuals who will make them available to to nonbelievers at no cost.

As Christian believers we’re all fellow workers in God’s harvest field and our goal is to share the truth of God with nonbelievers in an inoffensive way so that they might see the light of God and find salvation unto eternal life in heaven.  Our primary focus will be Asia in general and India in particular, because Asian countries have large populations that do not believe that Jehovah is God.  We believe they need to hear the truth of God.

When believers witness the gospel of Christ, God will equally reward those who reap souls for the kingdom of God and those who sow the gospel seed leading to salvation.  It’s rare for anyone to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior the first time they hear the gospel message.  Usually a person has to hear the gospel of Christ 15-20 times before they decide to serve God.  Every time a nonbeliever receives the gospel message in a meaningful way it moves them that much closer to possibly deciding to serve the Lord.  Anyone in that gospel chain that ultimately leads a person to salvation will be rewarded in heaven. 

God is generous to a fault.  Believers who fund the purchase of Christian tracts for nonbelievers will be rewarded by God equally with those who hand them out and those who lead nonbelievers to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Sharing the gospel is the number one good work we do for God as our reasonable service  for what Jesus has done for us.  Our mutual goal is to collect donations and use 100% of those funds for God’s purpose of passive witnessing through Christian tracts.  We pledge to record donations, track expenditures, and provide transparency to the best of our ability while providing timely feedback to all donors through our blog and accountability by request.

In summary, distributing Christian tracts is beneficial to believers and nonbelievers alike.  For the nonbeliever, we’re providing the gospel message of Jesus Christ in written form for those who may not be able to receive the grace of God any other way.  For the believer, we make it possible to passively witness for Christ through the written word of Christian tracts and thereby fulfill the “Great Commission” Jesus Christ gave to all who believe in him.  All believers are disciples of Christ and by providing Christian tracts to godly men to give to the lost we’re being obedient to God by sowing the gospel seed.  Our ultimate goal is to please God by our reasonable service to the God who made us.  Come join us!

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I was saved at the age of 12 in the First Baptist Church of a small town in Oklahoma.  I was a backslider and lukewarm Christian for 40 years.  My work career and raising a family left me too exhausted to serve God.  I never had the strength and discipline to serve God as he deserved.  That’s why I’ve always admired and respected all those who’ve managed to lead a Christ-centered life their whole lives.  They are my heroes.  It wasn’t until I retired in 2016 that I renewed my fellowship with God through daily Bible reading and daily prayer.

Once you belong to God he never gives up on you even when you become a backslider.  God always loves you no matter what and he will patiently stalk you until you return to him.  There’s a reason God is known as, “The hound of heaven.”  For 40 years I could sense I was being stalked by God and I’m sure I’m not the only one to feel that way.  If I was God I would have given up on me but God never did and never will.  As I studied God’s Word I became acutely aware of God’s love for me, my sins before God, and my disobedience to God’s commandments.  

I realized our salvation is not the end of our walk with God, but the beginning.  God leaves believers on earth after salvation for two reasons.  First, we’re to share the gospel message of Christ with all nations and all peoples.  This is the number one good work we do for the kingdom of God.  Second, we’re to do other good works like helping the poor and needy.  Witnessing for Christ is the main thing, without which the other good works for God are meaningless.  We build up treasure in heaven when we obey God by sharing the gospel message with nonbelievers as our reasonable service to the God who made us.  When we stand before the bema judgment seat of Jesus on the last day he will ask us, “Have you witnessed about me to the nonbeliever?”  We must be able to answer “yes.”

I trained myself to witness for Christ one on one like a pastor would.  I have shared my personal witness which has helped reap souls for the kingdom of God.  However, my successes have been few.  It’s simply not enough because one on one witness opportunities are few and far between.  God’s harvest field is great and the workers are indeed few.  Because I love God I also love also love every person made by God.  We’re all priceless in the eyes of God.  I have compassion for the lost and great anguish for those who haven’t received the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit prompted me to leverage my witness in two ways.  First, through writing letters about God to family and friends.  It was like an itch I couldn’t scratch.  This urge to write about God evolved into onemoreforjesus.net, my first Christian blog site.  I’ve been writing this blog for over two years and I’ve posted almost 600 blogs to date.  The twin themes of my blog site are, “Studying God’s Word” and “Witnessing for Christ.”  Using a blog with a Christian theme is what I call “passive” witnessing for Christ.

Second, since 2016 I’ve personally handed out over 3000 Christian tracts.  This is also a form of passive witnessing for Christ because tracts are small cartoon booklets containing the gospel message in written form.  Books, television programs and talk radio are other venues for passive witnessing for Christ.  None of them are as effective as Christian tracts because tracts can reach those who are really poor and who don’t have access to TV, radio or books.  Tracts are cheap, easy to read and can reach individuals who’ll never set foot inside a church or be able to receive the word of God any other way.  Christian tracts can share the truth of God to lost souls throughout the world without us having to go there in person to hand them out.  Our goal is to let other godly men and women assist us with that mission.

I formed this nonprofit company with my son and my brother but everything is handled by me as Chief Executive Officer.  We have no employees and no fixed costs; only volunteers who love the Lord.  We need to reach more lost souls while there is still time.  I can’t stand the thought of anyone spending eternity in hell because they didn’t receive the gospel message of Christ.  I can’t give tracts to everyone in person.  I need help;help from you.  The primary purpose of this web site is to solicit donations from believers who want to join me in passively witnessing for Christ through buying, shipping, and distributing Christian tracts to Asia primarily and India in particular.

Christian tracts will be sent free of charge to Christian churches, christian organizations, missionaries and individuals who request them so that they can distribute them to nonbelievers at no cost.  As a humble servant of God and faithful steward I will always be the largest donor for this project.  I pledge to add any donations to my own in my ongoing Christian tract ministry.  I pledge to be accountable and transparent with 100% of all donations used for tract purchase and shipping.  I will purchase tracts only from Chick Publications, www.chick.com.  I’ve discovered, “This Was Your Life,” to be the most effective Christian tract and I buy it exclusively.  This tract was one of the first ones created by Jack Chick and for 60 years it has been the number one best selling tract in the world.  Countless souls have been saved using his tract.

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